Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel (ESC-SN-K)
Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel. High quality matching escutcheons to suit your choice of Emerald door handle and to give a decorative finish to all keyholes.
Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel (ESC-SN-Ks)
Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel. Square Edged. High quality matching escutcheons to suit your choice of Emerald door handle and to give a decorative finish to all keyholes.
Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel. High quality matching escutcheons to suit your choice of Emerald door handle and to give a decorative finish to all keyholes.
Keyhole Escutcheons Satin Nickel Chrome (ESC-SN-CPs)
Keyhole Escutcheons Satin Nickel Chrome. High quality matching escutcheons to suit your choice of Emerald door handle.
Keyhole Escutcheons Satin Nickel, Euro Profile (ESC-SN-E)
Keyhole Escutcheons in Satin Nickel, Euro Profile, (ESC-SN-E). High quality matching Escutcheons to suit your choice of Emerald door handle and to give a decorative finish to all keyholes.